Don't you just ADORE Valentine's Day (insert sarcasm here)? It's so easy to get wrapped up in all the sugar-coated sentiment being shoved down our throats. I'm not saying I don't enjoy chocolates. I like flowers too...but really, who actually wants a platinum dipped rose? Or a crappy mass-produced piece of heart shaped jewelry? And waiting two hours for a table at Outback? Stop it. Really.
The Valentine's Day grand romantic gesture has become so cliche. Are you fresh out of ideas this year? How about doing reenactments of famous couples throughout history? It can be inexpensive...and super fun!
The Valentine's Day grand romantic gesture has become so cliche. Are you fresh out of ideas this year? How about doing reenactments of famous couples throughout history? It can be inexpensive...and super fun!
What you'll need:
Retro duds
Super Soakers
"Hold up" your local gas station. It might be a good idea to leave the car running for a quick getaway.

What you'll need:
Old bed sheets to make a toga (for ladies) and loin cloth (for guys)
Hair clippers
In the middle of the night when your significant other is sound asleep, grab the clippers and shave their head. So thoughtful and romantic.
Sid & Nancy - For The Music Lovers
What you'll need:
Reservations at the Chelsea Hotel
Not to shower for about a week
Fake Blood...or ketchup.
Nothing says I love you quite like a Sid & Nancy reenactment.
What you'll need:
An apple
A snake
Fig Leaves to cover your bits & pieces
Go to your local park during daylight. Ladies, continuously tempt your significant other with the apple. Guys, keep resisting the apple and when the mood strikes take a bite. You then should run around screaming as though being exiled.