Ladies, I ask you. What's better than a hunky, manly man? Better yet how about a plethora of hunky, manly men? And what if you could legally have all these men for a mere twenty dollars? Well, it’s your lucky day. The 2010 "Cops for the Cure" Calendar is now available! So many dreamy beefcakes were in the running to be featured that two extra months were added to the calendar. Including the hottest of the dreamy beefcakes, my boyfriend Franny aka Mr. August. Yeah that's right. Jealous? :)
The proceeds of the calendar benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the Police Family Survivor Fund. It sure beats the hell out of a lame kitty or puppy calendar! Twenty bucks may seem a little steep but remember it's for two great causes. Your place in heaven will totally be cemented.
Please contact me via email at GinaCicalese@gmail.com if you’d like to purchase one, or shoot me a Facebook message. Any additional info can be found here.
Thank you in advance!