As we bid adieu to 2009, I can't help but think of the decade’s most memorable moments in style. There have certainly been a plethora of trends over the last 10 years. Some were fabulous, some were puzzling and some I’d like to completely wipe from my memory. Oh my god, did I really own a trucker hat? Was I on drugs? Anyway...below in no particular order are my top ten: the good the bad and the ugly!

Fendi Bags (Big Break in 2000)
Thank the good Lord for Sex and the City. Not only was it my favorite show of the decade and my biggest overall style inspiration, but it introduced me to Fendi Bags. They’re a little slice of Italian- made heaven! I’d give up my pinkie toes for a lifetime supply of Fendi bags. I’m not kidding...who needs pinkie toes?
I blame Jessica Simpson. Back it 2003 while watching an episode of Newlyweds, I spotted my first pair of Uggs. I was so intrigued I bought a pair online a few days later. Nowadays everyone in the English speaking world owns at least one pair of Uggs. Their comfort can be described in two words: like buttah! Their appearance can be described in one word: fugly.
A breath of fresh air after too many years of bell bottoms. You put on a pair and POOF!, instant cool. But skinnies on men? Just plain wrong.
Gossip Girl. Enough Said.
Were once reserved for strippers, call girls or other ladies of the night. Suddenly women of all ages were flocking to Vickie’s & stocking up. Goodbye visible panty lines, hello urinary tract infections. Eww.
Typically reserved for artsy high school/college girls, thank Mad Men making it mainstream.
What did we do before flat irons? I can’t even remember...I guess we just walked around with frizzy heads. Perish the thought!

This trend usually pops up every ten years or so. We almost had a vampire-less decade, now 5 out of 10 television shows have the word “Vampire” “Blood” or “Dark” in the title.
These also pop up every so often...remember Frankie Says Relax? 2003 was a huge year for the statement tee. You weren’t super cool unless you had “Gettin’ Lucky in Kentucky” or “Rock Star” emblazoned across your chest. Sadly, I had this Jesus tee in yellow. Don’t judge.
Started out as a layering piece with perfectly good intentions. Quickly turned bad as a pant alternative. It is my personal goal in 2010 to rid the world of the “No Pants” trend. Wish me luck.