The idea of trends consistently amuses me. The amusing part being that the latest & greatest trends of the season are nothing more than recycled trends from seasons (and years) past. These trends only appear new when reinvented or freshly displayed. And what's "it" is only "it" for so long before it's not "it" anymore. Follow me?
I was channel surfing and the movie French Kiss caught my attention. Kind of a hokey romantic comedy, but one that I've always enjoyed. While viewing the outfit Meg Ryan wears for the first half of the movie, I was blown away. The circa 1995 look is dead-on trendy for Fall 2009!
Boyfriend jacket - check
White button up shirt- check
Vest (Ugh) - check
Rounded shades - check
Ankle boots - check
How about that? It proves that the classics never die, they're just reincarnated.
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